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By Natasha Hubbard | 3/2/15 6:30 P.M.


Spending time with you

Lying beside you in my introverted comfort

Secret touches, soft words, sizzling thoughts

The feeling of being special

Someone who matters 

We are the Habits we Create.

By Sha'Ron Harrison | 3/2/15 5:00 P.M.


There’s no denying that we are, indeed, creatures of habit; good and bad. Our minds and bodies are dependent on stimulant, actions and patterns that come to define who we are. 

Acts of Kindness: 5 Inspiring Examples of Compassion

By Olivia Stanley | 3/2/15 5:00 P.M.


As children, many of us were taught about the importance of being generous and kind-hearted to others, whether it be by a caregiver, friend, or perhaps it was instilled in to us because of 

Let's Keep Going with those New Year's Resolutions!

By Bhagya Nadee | 1/26/15 1:00 P.M.


Every year, when the ball drops in Times Square, many people resolve to do things bigger and better. My new year’s resolutions were to eat healthier and exercise more. I lasted...

Poetry Highlight

Going On

By Donna Branch | 1/16/15 12:18 P.M.


A poem of comfort


For God has granted me the life He wanted me to live here, so I say to you: don’t weep; rejoice, for I am in my resting place in my new home called heaven. I am on my new journey where there’s no pain, hurt and no more suffering. I am with my Father in heaven, where I wait for you one day to be with me again. God created heaven and earth, God gave me the natural body for a while to camp in, but He also given a new body that will not pass away even as you see this natural body lay here asleep I am with you in your heart and spirit, so don’t cry I am happy with my Father in heaven. Now is the time to celebrate life and know that God has call my name on His roll to do His work in heaven, my earthly work has been done, but now God has a new work for me. So lift up the praises to Him, cry no more for God keep you strong and I will always be in your heart.

On behalf of the children of the White family, we extend this poem of comfort to the Chrowder family.

Did You Leave Your New Year's Resolutions in 2014?

By Mylira Green | 1/26/15 1:00 P.M.


Ever year after the holidays have come and passed, we set New Year’s resolutions. We tend to promise ourselves that this New Year is going to be the year we are going to lose weight, 

Relationship Guru: So, Who Pays?

By Shavonne Ruffin | 1/16/15 1:14 P.M.


Seated at a quaint table in your favorite restaurant you think the night was perfect.  The ambiance set the mood and you are anticipating that there will be a second date. Meals have been eaten, drinks have been drunk. The waiter places the black...


By neQuel.the Artist | 1/16/15 12:11 P.M.


A new calendar to count down

A new year to date

Turning your back on the past

To focus on the future’s fate

How to Deal with Studying & Kids

By Shavonne Ruffin | 11/25/14 9:45 P.M.


Shavonne Ruffin is currently a mental health coordinator working in the field of family and child development.  She will be graduating with her doctorates degree in the field

Fountain Way

By Susette "S.Dot" Williams | 11/25/14 9:15 P.M.


*The Sun rises high/*But my heart sets deep/*In the cold, damp, dark folds of this wretched, wicked world/*Soar my wide winged friend/*High above the clouds/*Past accusations/*Abortions/*and failed relationships/*Spread your wings and fly my friend/ ... 

Conception came after the cycle

By Kelli Sweat | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


John 15:1-5

 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.

Never Give Up

By Khari Mawusi | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


In today’s world it is easier to set low goals and achieve them, then to aim high; and that needs to stop. This is happening because people don’t believe in themselves, and they are lazy. They don't strive to the fullest.

Say "No More" to Domestic Violence

By Shavonne Ruffin | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


Breasts cancer is not the only cause that our society should be aware of during the month of October. According to the National Coalition of Domestic Violence (NCDV) one out of every four females will experience some form of violence in their lifetime.

Differently Able

By Natasha Hubbard | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


Differently Able

Who am I?

I am me

I have this thing about me

TBG: Words of Encouragement

By Evelina Johnson | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


Hi Ladies:

My word for you today is: “Do you know your Source?” There was a time when I myself didn’t know who my source was...

Dear High School Freshmen:

By Khari Mawusi | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


You’ve got to be pumped. You’ve got to be focused. You have to see your goal at the end of the finish line, and sprint towards it; because you’ve only got one chance to make it happen. 

Taking Control

By Sha'Ron Harrison | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


You know that feeling you get in your stomach? That feeling we call “butterflies.” Then there’s your heart pounding, and muscle tension. Well, that is anxiety.

The Fat Lady Doesn't Have to Sing

By Luther Parker, Jr. | 11/15/14 11:50 P.M.


What do you do when the world tells you it’s over?


You can read my blogs, and may even personally know me, but what most people DON’T know is that I’ve faced tremendous adversity in my life.

Make it Count

By Luther Parker, Jr. | 11/16/14 11:50 P.M.


A family, who had moved to a new neighborhood, got a late start one morning, and as a result their six year- old missed her bus to school. Though it would make him late for work, the father agreed to take her to school if she would give him directions.

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