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The Fat Lady Doesn't Have to Sing

By Luther Parker, Jr., Agape Life Contributor

updated Thu November 13, 2014

What do you do when the world tells you it’s over?


You can read my blogs, and may even personally know me, but what most people DON’T know is that I’ve faced tremendous adversity in my life. I believe it’s something everyone can relate to. It doesn’t matter if it’s personal troubles, professional or financial, the point is that people can relate to difficulties.


My situation [in mid 2000] wasn’t looking good at all; and it was only the beginning.  I’d just gone through a divorce that hurt me to the core, everything I put into it I lost.  My financial responsibilities thereafter, left me with only a few hundred dollars a month for all of my bills... that’s if my entire check wasn’t taken.  Creditors were after me, people I once thought were my friends avoided me and there was a recession in the making.  Then it happened.  I lost my job in a field that I’d worked for over 22 years with no new jobs in sight.


Jobless, homeless and broke is what I was.


Most people told me I was done and was sure I was finished.  It was the perfect storyline for a movie, except I was the main character living out scene after scene.  That was the lowest point I had encountered in my life.


I learned during that ordeal that life will, at some point, trip you up and cause you to fall. The problem for most is that they concentrate so much on the fall, that they subsequently stay down. That is really the main problem, staying down, not the issue that caused the fall. 


Failure is going to show it’s ugly head at some point in your life and the remedy isn’t focusing on the situation, but move forward and realize that failure isn’t permanent and immediately focus on the right direction.  Sooner or later, a solution will ultimately show up.


I know that a comeback was expected of me and I expected myself.  All I had to do was to get my momentum going again.  It didn’t happen overnight, but eventually, things began to sort themselves out.


I’ve seen and known some people who were completely swallowed up by failure. The worse thing you can do to yourself is believe that bad luck is your due. It isn’t!  Some people see problems as bad luck.  I don’t. Problems are a part of life. The bigger your life, the bigger your problems are going to be.


When failure comes your way, you must believe that you matter, that you can overcome it and most important, that success is what’s expected of you.  You’d be surprised  of what you can accomplish when that’s your attitude.  It’s not just survival, it’s not just success, it’s your obligation.


Believe in yourself, keep your momentum going and be strong and tough in your resilience.


Never give up!

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