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Words of Encouragement

By Evelina Johnson, Agape Life Contributor

updated Thu November 13, 2014

Hi Ladies:


My word for you today is: “Do you know your Source?” There was a time when I myself didn’t know who my source was. I would have problems and the first people I would run to were my family, friends and even Facebook. I guess that was my way of seeking comfort, or to “blow some steam” as we say. BIG Mistake because #1: 90% of the time my problems still wouldn’t go away, #2: it made things worse, and #3: it never brought me any peace. I remember even [years ago] going... to a psychic a few times. (Yeah gurl, Lina went to a psychic) But thank God for speaking to me & saying, “When I performed all those miracles in the Bible, not once did I ever ask for money.” It was then that it hit me, she wasn’t my source either. But, at the time I just wanted my “storm” to end and to me she was my only source. Ladies, I Thank God each and every day for saving me because she was not my source. Her “powers” weren’t my source and neither were the people that I was allowing to feed into my life. So I began going to church more often, and started learning more about our heavenly Father. I cant even begin to tell you how much He’s changed my life and has begun to restore everything that the devil tried to take away from me. God! The One I’d been searching for for so long, my peacemaker; my strength; my comforter; my true friend. The One that is able to calm ALL my storms. HE WAS MY SOURCE!!!


Let me ask you, is there anything in your life right now thats causing you pain? Have you been searching for peace and haven’t been able to find it? 


I encourage you today to know your source. 


He’s the peacemaker and the one who is able to strengthen you even when you feel like all hope is gone. 


P.S What are some scriptures that bring you comfort? 

Share it with us & encourage another Baaad Girl today.

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