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Never Give Up

By Khari Mawusi, Agape Life Contributor

updated Thu November 13, 2014

In today’s world it is easier to set low goals and achieve them, then to aim high; and that needs to stop. This is happening because people don’t believe in themselves, and they are lazy. They don't strive to the fullest. They want the end result without putting in the work to get there. This kind of thinking needs to stop. That’s why in this paper I am explaining the importance of setting high goals for yourself, and why people should stop being lazy.


From what I can see, people have visions of how they want to be, and they get excited to see it happen, but they don’t put their best foot forward to make it happen. They don’t believe in themselves anymore. They are setting low standards for themselves, which leads to low self-worth. One example of someone who believed in their own self-worth is Michael Jordan. If he had set his goals low, then he wouldn’t have become the best in the NBA. People say they want to be like him, but decide not to put forth the effort. What others don’t realize is that superstars, like Michael Jordan, don’t just wake up and decide to become greatness. 


I agree that people set a mark extremely low just to achieve it; and that’s called laziness. I think it’s lazy to do the bare minimum, when you have the potential to be the best. Peyton Manning, for example, is the best quarterback in the NFL. He is the best because he practices harder than everyone else. He’s the first one at the stadium and the last person to leave. It is because of this that the people around him think he’s the best. Now imagine if Peyton Manning stayed home while his team was practicing during the week. He would be looked at as a slacker, and he definitely wouldn’t wouldn’t be captain of the team. If he had only aimed to be quarterback of his high school football team, he wouldn’t be known today in the NFL as “The Peyton Manning.”


In conclusion, setting high goals creates a higher self-worth; and not being lazy can create opportunities for your life. Don’t be mediocre and set low goals to achieve. Strive for greatness, like Michael Jordan. Believe in yourself. Practice harder than everyone else on the team, like Peyton Manning. Be the first and last person on the field. Most people don’t try for greatness; don’t be like most people.

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