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Our ultimate goal is to help people become self-sufficient.



Agape Foundations, Inc. (AFI) is a faith-based, non-profit, public charity organization. We are dedicated to providing support, guidance and counseling services to individuals and families.



(AFI) is a catalyst for sustaining healthy individuals and families by addressing all aspects of an individuals life. This is the true restoration that can strengthen families and bring life long change.

Board of Directors


CEO/Executive Director: Sherie R. Sims Mawusi, LCSW

President: Lena Baker Scott, M.S. C.S.A.C.

Vice President: Carol A. Cole, R.N., BSN, C.P.N.P.

Treasurer/Secretary: Sallie Baker, A.A.



3217 Commander Shephard Blvd.

Hampton, Virginia 23666

Hours of Operation


Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Saturday: 9am-2pm

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