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Kenya Mawusi


Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) in 1991.

B.S. in Graphic Design (minor in Public Relations) at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University-- Tallahassee, Fl. in 2013

I am a recent Graphic Design and Public Relations graduate, from Newport News, Virginia. I am currently residing in Virginia working as Hampton Roads Academy's Advancement Office intern; a local non-profit, Agape Foundations Inc.'s Communications Director part-time; and building my own design business. 


At FAMU, I was an Associate for FAMU’s student-run PR Firm, PRodigy. I was also the Visuals Editor/ Online Editor for the FAMUan newspaper for three years. I have had multiple internships in both Virginia and in Florida (i.e. Tallahassee Democrat, FSU College of Education). My current goal is to build my business and attend Graduate school in Virginia. I plan on receiving a Master’s degree in Public Relations. One day I would like to obtain a career as a successful Designer.

It was a long journey becoming a graphic design major, but it all started with FAMU and their advisory system. In the beginning I wanted to be a Photography major so that I could eventually become a Photojournalist, but it didn’t work out that way. Then, I wanted to add Graphic Design as my minor, but they switched the two and made graphic design my major and photography my intended minor. But, my choice of staying with graphics has been a fulfilling one.

I have found that it's easier to be inspired while in college surrounded by like-minded peers, however my own creativity and passion for what I do has kept me going.


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