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PTSD and Me... Getting to Know Us

By Nequel Wharry, Agape Life Contributor

updated Sat February 28, 2015

I am a veteran

A post traumatic stress VET

....and although PTSD is a dis-ease, I do not consciously claim the Disorder part because i am constantly consciously making efforts to keep it in order.


Since being diagnosed with PTSD, I have come to learn that trauma produces stress, and even after the trauma has passed, the effects of this stress linger mentally and physically, and appear consciously and subconsciously.


I have come to learn that the effects of stress and tension on the mind and the body are very impactful. Stress can impact your health and nutrition with poor eating habits and disregard nutritional requirements.


I have come to learn that stress can impact your daily life with its effects on your ability to concentrate and focus because of the distracting, and interrupting flashbacks of past traumas. 


I have come to learn that stress can impact your relationships by making you inappropriately hyper-vigilant in social settings and exchanges that would be calming and comfortable for others.


I have come to learn that stress can also impact your quality of life in your attempt to manage and minimize your levels of stress and tension, and stress definitely has its levels. There is no quick fix and no cure ALL when it comes to stress management, either, and because you can not even put your finger, or hands, for that matter, on STRESS, in and of itself, stress management can be like chasing a GHOST.......WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT?!?!


What I am now coming to know is that in stress management on all levels, you must take the time to make the time to spend time contributing to the healing of thyself, because LIFE must go on! Stress CAN be reduced with a lifestyle of healthy habits, professional health instruction, and wellness activities.


Looking forward to AGAPE LIFE......about healing and wellness

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