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Inflammation: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

By Howard Eley & T.M. Marx, Agape Life Contributor

updated Tue November 18, 2014

When we think about inflammation we naturally think of the reaction the body has to injuries. The swelling that accompanies sprains is a form of inflammation that we all understand. The swelling is of course our bodies’ natural protection mechanism at work surrounding the injury with fluid until the area heals and returns to normal. But, guess what, this form of inflammation is only the proverbial “tip of the iceberg”!


Two excellent web sites discuss inflammation and what we have available to us from the medical and natural community to assist in controlling it. Inflammation is typically associated with our joints. But it literally does occur in many different forms in the body.


The first site - http:/ /

body-burning-up-w_b_269717.html  talks about how inflammation can be good, bad and just downright ugly! This site provides excellent information on natural alternatives.


The second site - tells us what the medical community has available to quell inflammation when it leans towards the ugly side. There’s some powerful good medical information at this site, so please take a look!


So, why did I seek out information from the internet? Well, in the “natural alternatives” business, we are often presented with “well-intentioned” information about natural alternatives for many of the ailments we manage in our daily lives. These sites validate the information I had been given concerning inflammation. I am not one to promote one option (traditional or alternative) over the other. You must find the answer in what works best for your body. For this moment, using natural alternatives fits us to a “T”. Your option may be traditional medicine, or even a combination of the traditional and alternative. Just to give you an idea, natural alternatives include taking a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement, fish oil and Vitamin D.  An all natural supplement (one that is free of synthetics and chemicals) is highly recommended.  Whether your choice of support is medical, natural or combinations of both, please consult with knowledgeable individuals before making a choice of which method you will use.


Suffice to say, inflammation IS something we must pay attention to! Doing repetitive exercises is one essential activity that each of us can perform to help maintain and manage inflammation within our bodies. 


Feel free to stop by the store (Granma T’s Health Food Store) to discuss your specific needs.

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