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Fantasy Football Conspiracy?

By Kenya Mawusi, Agape Life Editor

updated Tue November 25, 2014

So, this is my first season being involved in Fantasy Football. Although, it’s an 8-man team, I partnered with my dad, and I barely did anything except help with his draft and the occasional line-up tweaking, I consider myself “involved.”


If you haven’t experienced the life that comes with being a member of a fantasy league, then you don’t know the stress we go through; the ups and downs. I wanted to keep track of my team during the day, so I downloaded the fantasy football app onto my phone-never again. I couldn’t focus on my work. I thought I was going crazy just watching numbers change on the scoreboard (SMH). Of course I deleted the app and my life went back to normal.


Anywho, that is just my experience with the league. I know it (the league) can be really elaborate. Some people are in more than five leagues at a time. I personally can’t have that in my life, but everyone’s different. But, what I’ve come to question in these last few weeks is this: Is it the luck given to us from the “Fantasy Gods” that’s allowing us to win big (or lose ugly) each week, or does anyone else think some NFL players are playing in their own Fantasy Football league? 


We enjoy it, so who’s to say they don’t. I heard that they are not “supposed” to play Fantasy Football, due to possible implications of cheating. But, have you seen some crazy plays this season? Have you seen back-up QBs pass to the wrong player repeatedly? Have you wondered if that’s happening on purpose because they have a league of their own to protect?


Ofcourse, this is my first time "in the league," so I think this is just a natural progression through the stages. At one point, everyone thinks there may be a conspiracy--right?

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